Monday, December 23, 2013

9 Signs That You Went To Your College

1.  You didn't suffer any head trauma so you fucking remember that you went there!!!

You think back to your days at college and [insert college here] shows up in your memories every time. Shocking.

2-9: See #1 Or A Neurosurgeon

If you say to your friends, "remember that time at [insert college here] when we did that wacky thing that college students do" and immediately after you do not realize which college you went to, go straight to the hospital.

Friday, December 20, 2013

11 Ways To Tell If You're A Holiday Shopoholic

1. You took a day off to go shopping...

You are like stores today? Danke Schoen!

2. You bought one of these:

And you are going to wear it to your wedding!

3. You've shopped in one of these


4.  You used to play this!

Are you sure its just for ages 6-12?

5.  When there is a sale, you are like:

Who isn't!

6.  When there isn't a sale, you are like:

And you mean it!!!

7.  You spend this:

In massive quantities!

8.  You said Ye can we get married at the mall...and meant it

What she order? Fish Fillet...and about 40 pairs of shoes!!!

8. This is your vehicle of choice:

Throw some D's on that bitch!

9. These are your BFFs:


10.  YOU!!!!!!

Thats a bit of an underexageration...ZOMG!

11. ZOMG